Dework, its profile and reputation features.

3 min readMay 16, 2022


In a near future, using Dework would be based on a paid subscription for new DAOs, you don’t need to see a roadmap to see this coming! No need to FOMO now, this article would guide you on how to get started and why you should get started. Are you looking to contribute to DAOs too? Hang on!

What is Dework?

Dework is a web3-native project management tool and community that serves as a bridge between DAOs (emerging and existent)and prospective contributors. It allows for efficient management and assigning of tasks as well as a seamless method of payment that even allows DAOs to pay in their native token. It is a bounty platform and a web3-native LinkedIn encompassed in one web app!

Dework interface

In my previous article, I talked about how use Dework for both DAO and contributor as well as how popular DAOs are using Dework to effectively grow their community and facilitate the smooth running of their respective workspaces, If you’d like to read that article, click here.

In this article, I’d be talking about the Dework profile and the reputation features that have been added to the platform.

The Dework profile

Regardless of what side of the coin you’re one, whether you’re a DAO founder or a contributor, the profile is very user friendly and easy to navigate. As long as 1+1 = 2, setting up usually takes about a minute. You can watch a demo video on how to go about the setup here

Recent features

. Dework creates a private discord thread for interested contributors that want to make further enquiries about a DAO task, this makes the hiring process less robotic as more human interaction would occur.

. As a Dao, you can now peg bounties to USDC (being that it is almost as stable as the dollar). This allows contributors to know the estimated value of the bounty reward

. First collab between 2 leading DAO tools: Dework X Cordinape. This means that remuneration would be smoother than usual, Dework coordinates project management and let’s Cordinape handle payments.

. Task Board for contributors: Contributors can now monitor status of the tasks they applied for by using the “My Task Board”

. DAOs can now easily see their top contributors/reviewers based on their activity across Dework projects.

In conclusion, most of these features were suggested by DAO leaders/cofounders already using Dework. Isn’t it nice to be part of a community that listens? To know that your feedback is implemented (either wholly or partly)? Dework has proved to be a true web3 tool and only greater strides to be taken from here onward, check their #10-yr-vision on Discord.




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